Dana R. Fisher headshot
3101 Parren Mitchell Art-Sociology Building

Dana Fisher

Affiliate Fellow
Professor, Department of Sociology
Global Crises, Sustainable Futures


Dr. Dana Fisher is a professor in the Department of Sociology and director of the Program for Society and the Environment, a graduate committee dedicated to investigating questions surrounding the society-environment relationship. Fisher’s research focuses on democracy, activism, and climate politics with some of her most recent works studying responses to climate change, the U.S. Civilian Climate Corps, and the American Resistance. She utilizes a mixed methodology with data from open-ended semi-structured interviews and participant observation. 

With her work in more than 65 peer-reviewed articles and chapters, Fisher is the author of several books including American Resistance, Urban Environmental Stewardship and Civic Engagement, The Practice of Researchand Activism Inc. She is an editor of the Routledge International Handbook of Social and Environmental Change. Fisher presented her work to the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, numerous federal agencies, foundations, and presidential campaigns. Beginning in May 2022, she will be a Distinguished Visiting Scholar in The John W. Kluge Center of the Library of Congress


  • Ph.D., Sociology, University of Wisconsin (Madison)
  • M.S., Sociology, University of Wisconsin (Madison)
  • B.A., East Asian Studies & Environmental Studies, Princeton University