Fall 2020 Update #2 – Returning Students

University Honors > Communication > Fall 2020 Update #2 – Returning Students
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Dear University Honors community,

On behalf of the entire UH staff and faculty team, I hope you’re doing well, enjoying the summer break, and looking forward to beginning your UMD and UH journey.

Details about Fall semester are beginning to come into sharper focus. So I’m writing today to share with you some of the latest information about course-instruction, campus housing, and your UH community.

Schedule Updates and Corrections

Dean Hebert wearing a cartoon maskThe Fall 2020 Schedule of Classes was updated yesterday. As we shared with you last month, nearly all UH classes will be offered online. Faculty are working hard to ensure that your courses are as engaging and stimulating as ever.

As you finalize your Fall schedules, please be sure to review some important notes (right) from Dean Hebert.


Four HONR seminars will meet in person in the fall:





Each of these seminars appear with the correct times and rooms if you look them up directly or search for all HONR courses in the Schedule of Classes. But, as of the time of writing, they aren’t currently coded properly to show up in a search for face-to-face courses. (We expect this to be corrected in the Schedule very soon.)

Housing Updates

As I emphasized in my message to you last month, we support whatever decision you make about where to live: however you show up this fall, our courses and community will be there to welcome you. For those of you who are considering living on campus, please be advised of the following:

Contract Cancellation

The deadline to cancel your On-Campus Housing and Dining Agreement without financial penalty has been extended to Monday, July 20 (5:00pm).

Housing FAQs

The Department of Resident Life FAQs page has been updated with additional information about, for example, the residence hall housing addendum.


Updated information about finding and requesting roommates is now available.

Keeping In Touch

Miss an announcement? Worried about something? Accidentally delete an email? Forget a detail? Got a question? We’ve got you covered … First of all, the University actively maintains websites with useful information of all kinds:

  • Campus Reopening. Information about the Fall 2020 reopening plan and an archive of recent campus-wide communications may be found here.
  • Keep Learning. FAQs about Fall instruction as well as resources and tips for online learning can be found on the Keep Learning page.
  • Keep Connected. Resources related to health & wellness, assistance for parents and immunocompromised students, and ways for students to get involved at the University can be found on the Keep Connected page.

Of course, all UH communications are archived on our News & Communications page. And don’t forget to connect with us on social media @UnivHonorsUMD!

We can’t wait to welcome you to UH this fall!


Dr. Stephan Blatti
Director, University Honors