
Spring 2021 Honors Citation Recipients

University Honors staff, students, and families gathered virtually on April 15, 2021 to celebrate the 382 students who earned their Honors citations in the Spring 2021 semester. UH’s own, Prof. Dorith Grant-Wisdom, delivered the keynote address. And four UH students were among those who received one of this year’s Winston Family Honors Writing Awards:

  • Ethan Heidtman (Atmospheric & Ocean Science) won for his short essay, “Carroll County, Maryland: Coming to Terms with Violence.” This essay was written for Prof. Margaret Elwell’s seminar, “Uprising, Riot, & Revolt: Violence in Story & Theory” (HONR 218X).
  • Ethan Selko (Finance) won for his short essay, “Violence in Park Heights, Maryland.” This essay was written for Prof. Margaret Elwell’s seminar, “Uprising, Riot, & Revolt: Violence in Story & Theory” (HONR 218X).
  • Stephanie Lizzo (Economics and Government & Politics) won for her honors thesis, “Examining the Impact of Rebel Leadership Dynamics on External Support in Intra-State Conflicts.”
  • M Pease (Psychology) won for their honors thesis, “Gender Minority Young Adult Mental Health: Anti-Transgender Prejudice, Mediators, and Implications in the COVID-19 Era.”

Citation Recipients

Muhammad Abdel Motagaly

Victor Agbar

Ngonda Agha

Mutaz Ahmed

Luke Amato

Alexa Anderson

Francis Andrews

Shivawn Angelo

Alyssa Arminan

Blen Asres

Lev Axler

Alexis Bahk

Ari Bailey

Jayda Barber

Reese Barrett

Amelia Becher

Benjamin Beinish

Nicolas Benavides

Jack Benedict

Jack Benveniste-Plitt

Tamara Bethea

Siddharth Bhatnagar

Michael Bisson

Jacqueline Blair

Selim Boukabara

Lee Brady

Gregory Bristol

Allison Brown

Benjamin Brown

Jeyla Brown

Abraham Browne

Sarah Browning

Emily Burr

Josiah Cabrera

Jeffrey Cai

Kaitlin Cancell

Christina Capozzoli

Camille Carnevale

Dean Ceresini

Minahil Cheema

Angel Chen

William Chen

Andrew Cheng

Sreelekha Chillanki

Anthony Chin

Sehyun Cho

Luke Choi

Phivos Christodoulides

Caylie Chu

Samuel Chuzhin

Michelle Clayton

James Cobau

Alexander Cochran

Julie Coffman

Caitlin Cole

Adam Cort

Benjamin Coudon

Sarah Covert

Justin Crook

Louise Daigneault

Fransiska Dale

Aimee Dastin-van Rijn

Maya Dayanim

Adam Del Colliano

Brendan DeMilt

Devaki Desai

Christopher Desrochers

Richa Dhamankar

Jacob Dickinson-Sabonis

Austin Dillon

Graham Dilworth

Adam Dirican

Julia Dixon

Dawson Do

Tin Do

Vlad Dobrin

Jacob Dolinar

Ciara Donegan

Shawna Dougherty

Collin Draper

Ryan Druffel

Anna Dziki

Ethan Ebert-Zavos

Alex Edejer

Madeleine Egerter

Stav Elazar Mittelman

Thomas Ersevim

Lei Escobal

Simone Evans

Sarah Fagan

Heather Farnan

Jake Feidelman

Daniel Fernandez

Sara Fernandez

Sam Fineberg

Matthew Firth

Declan Fitzgerald

Adina Fleisher

Lucas Franco

Lena Franklin

Rachel Friedman

Stephen Frocke

Yi Fu

Catherine Gao

Daniel Gao

Cameron Garland

Jacob Garnett

Kelly George

Nirel Gershwind

Linus Ghanadan

Justin Gielen

Michael Gill

Patrick Gilligan

William Giovanini

Allison Gloekler

Michael Goldstein

Gaurav Gorjilla

Abigail Gorun

Keith Gray

Kailyn Groisser

Shannon Groves

Stephanie Hanna

Christopher Hannon

Karen Hao

Alexandra Hargrett

Bradley Harris

Kayleigh Hasson

Michaela Hawkins

Amy He

Alison Hegarty

John Herboczek

Ronan Hix

Naomi Hoch

Morgan Hoffman

Elie Holzel

Yuze Hu

Joseph Hussey

Julia Iacoviello

Steven Ioannidis

Ariel Israel

Ikem Itabor

Gavin Jagde

Rahul Jain

Ritvik Jain

Agustin Jauregui

Matthew Johnson

Sophie Jorgensen

Lawrence Jung

Anish Kakarla

Michael Kalin

Noam Kaplan

Rohan Kasuganti

Stephen Keating

Jonathan Keegan

Davis Kelley

Kristen Kelly

Jad Kfouri

Bismi Khan

Shayan Khanlarbeik

Anthony Kim

Holly King

Christopher Kingsley

Elizabeth Kinnard

Lindsay Kohan

Savyasachi Konkalmatt

Yaniv Kovich

Gillian Kramer

Benjamin Krochta

Alexis Kruger

Peter Kuffel

Sasvi Kulasinghe

Katelyn Kunert

Pranav Kuruba

John Labbate

Grace Lama

Jerry Lan

Kyle Lao

Samuel Ledoux

Claire Lee

Harrison Lee

Julia Lee

Yoonju Lee

Jennifer Lees

Judah Lesser

Delina Levine

Drew Levine

Rachel Lewis

Simin Li

Ryland Lillibridge

Agnes Lin

Alexander Liu

Emma Liu

Sean Liu

Yige Liu

Stephanie Lizzo

Katherine Lord

Caitlyn Loux

Andrew Lu

Rachel Lubitz

Danial Ludwig

Vincent Ma

Ethan MacDonald

Jonathan MacGregor

Jasmine Maghari

Valeria Manent

Grace Mann

Shaiza Mansoor

Sarah Mantus

Anna Martin

Sarah Martin

Scott Martin

Esther Martinez Garcia

Ammar Masood

Liam McCammon

Matthew McGhee

Molly McGroary

Alyssa McKinney

Stephen McNierney

Bianca Meinhardt

Yonathan Melamed

Tiffany Melgar

Andrew Melis

Ally Merwitz

Alyse Messafi

Haylee Mevorah

Abigail Meyer

Cameron Miller

Claire Molavi

Mary Monroe

Dylan Moore

Adrian Mora

Hope Morath

Talia Morchower

Thomas Morris

Coedee Mowers

Sarah Mulvaney

Chanelle Mundy

John Nalley

Seung Nam

Rishik Narayana

Eli Nass

Arsema Negash

Mary Neisess

Alexander Neumyer

Shawn Nijjar

Elli Nikolopoulos

Sarah Noland

Sadia Nourin

Kelechi Nwanna

Ebele Nwogbo

John Ognisty

Christopher Olin

Amanda Oyler

Elizabeth Paglinauan-Warner

Rebecca Palmer

Bhuvana Pandalai

Austin Park

Nikhil Pateel

Rajvi Patel

Sahil Patel

Sheena Patel

Anna Patterson

M Pease

Luca Pedrazzini

Michael Penafiel

Avery Penn

Joseph Perdue

Nicholas Pett

Michael Piepmeyer

Nathan Pinto

Jordan  Pirrera

Cali Platt

Gabriel Pollack

Abigail Potter

Nicholas Pottker

Eric Pushman

Stephanie Qie

Rohan Rajagopalan

Brian Reed

Jack Reimer

William Reinhold

Daniel Reise

Courtney Richardson

Remington Ro

Rachel Robin

Emily Robinson

Hannah Robinson

Molly Rogers

Connor Roney

Nathan Rowe

Margaret Ryan

Sarah Sabet

Sarah Santiago

Jack Saunders

Jacob Saxon

Christopher Scalzi

Kyle Scarlis

Juliette Schank

Eric Schlosser

Abril Schujman

John Schurman

Kevin Schwenger

Maximilian Scribner

Benjamin Seufert

Harshal Shah

Andrew Sherwood

Eli Shillman

Konrad Shire

Michael Shokoff

Kyle Shreve

Nicholas Shropshire

Anchal Shukla

Archana Singh

Sejal Sinha

John Sinnicki

Annie Smith

Jacob Sobol

Dhruva Someshwar

Kyle Spawn

Eleanore Spies

Sara Sporkin

Megan Springer

Ryan Stadler

Meghan Stromberg

Lyndsay Sumner

Daniel Susson

Michael Swers

Sophia Talesnik

Tytan Taliaferro

Reshmi Talwar

Genevieve Tan

Michael Tang

Gracie Tanner

Batya Teitz

Lauren Thomas

Matthew Thomas

Jordan Thorn

Andrew Tran

Rhonda Traub

Maria Trovato

Shannon Turco

Samantha Van Terheyden

Alessandra Vidal

Jeffrey Wack

Jacob Wagner

Sarinah Wahl

Molly Walker

Ryan Warner

Caleb Wein

Callie Wen

Joseph Weng

Caroline Wenstrand

Joseph Westra

Bailey Wethman

Kaitlin White

Noah Whiteman

Ashley Williams

Eleanor Williams

Kurt Willson

Lorna Wilson

Brennan Winer

Matthew Wise

Ariella Wolf

George Wolffe

Evan Wozniak

Elizabeth Wraback

Eleni Xereas

Evan Yamaguchi

Amanda Yee

Angela Yepez

Alyssa Yi

Ngou Yip

Edwin Yu

Faaiq Zarger

Alan Zhang

Charles Zhao

Emmy Zhao

Keri Zhou

Amy Zhu

Katharine Zhu

Alexis Zinselmeier

Catherine Zuzarte