Pickles and Produce: UH Students in the News

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Pickles and Produce: UH Students in the News

Our UH students have been busy! This September, two University Honors students were recognized in two separate UMD publications for their extracurricular work. 

  • Laila Wilson was featured in TERP Magazine in an article celebrating the tenth anniversary of Terp Farm operations. Terp Farm, originally piloted in 2014 as part of a Sustainability Fund grant, provides fresh vegetables and herbs to the UMD Dining Halls, Catering Services, and the Campus Pantry; it also serves as a source for research initiatives across campus. Wilson is quoted in the article, explaining her reasons for joining this urban farming community: “Helping to feed people on campus is really rewarding.” Read the full article and see Laila in action here.
  • Chris Moon’s campus pickle business (alongside partner Eric Bennett) was the subject of an article in The Diamondback. From creating their own unique flavors (Hot Honey and Old Bay, for example) to canning and selling their wares across campus, Chris and Eric’s Small Batch Pickles is a small business that aspires to take McKeldin Mall by storm. Learn more about the friendship that fueled this growing pickle empire here. 

If you know any UH students doing amazing things across campus, let us know through the form linked here. Help us celebrate the successes in our community!

Laila Wilson pulls twine along rows of Roma tomatoes at the Terp Farm to secure the growing plants. Photo by Stephanie S. Cordle.

Chris Moon (far right) poses alongside fellow Chris and Eric’s Pickles Team Members Jimmy Herman (Head of Accounting), Phillip Nguyen (Head of Production), and Eric Bennett (Co-Founder).