Valérie K. Orlando is Professor of French & Francophone Literatures and Head of the Department of French & Italian. She is the author of six books, the most recent of which include: The Algerian New Novel: The Poetics of a Modern Nation, 1950-1979 (2017), New African Cinema (2017), and Screening Morocco: Contemporary Film in a Changing Society (2011). She has published with Cécile Accilien Teaching Haiti: Strategies for Creating New Narratives (2021), with Pamela Pears, Paris and the Marginalized Author: Treachery, Alienation, Queerness, and Exile (2018), and, with Sandra M. Cypess, Reimaging the Caribbean: Conversations among the Creole, English, French and Spanish Caribbean (2014). She publishes articles in French and English on a wide variety of subjects in the areas of Literary Studies, Women’s Studies, African Cinema, and French and Francophone Studies, specifically focusing on Africa and the Caribbean. Since 2004, she has worked as Series Editor for After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France with Lexington Books.