0102 Yahentamitsi

Jim LaChance

Collegiate Fellow, Conserving Biodiversity
Environmental Science


Jim LaChance holds a PhD in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MA in Environmental Studies from Brown University. He has a wide range of food systems experience. Jim has worked most recently as a Social Scientist with NOAA Fisheries; worked on Capitol Hill for Senator Markey (MA); and has collaborated with farmers, fishers, and ranchers across the US. Jim’s research focus is on natural resource-dependent livelihoods, where he aims to better understand social and environmental change in farming, ranching, and fishing communities. He has extensive and recent field experience facilitating experiential and place-based learning in the US and abroad. Jim is interested in biodiversity and threats to the food system, particularly as they relate to food production and community resilience in the face of threats like climate change. He has presented his work widely in academic and community settings, and has published in journals that cover topics from nutrition and food studies to agriculture and marine science. He grew up in New England and enjoys spending time outside working in the garden, fishing, and exploring the coast with his family.


  • PhD, Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley
  • MA, Environmental Studies, Brown University