Contemporary challenges–such as climate change, food, energy and water security, and deadly virus transmission–demand that people think critically. These challenges are often complex and interrelated; for example, society’s increasing demand for energy contributes to human-induced climate change, which in turn, limits freshwater and food supplies, and which in turn, could contribute to the worldwide spread of disease.
While many societal challenges are seriously impacting local, regional and global communities, an increasing availability of information has contributed to what many call a “Post-Truth Era,” where emotions and personal beliefs override scientifically valid evidence and explanations. We will consider the institutional use of post-truth a form of information weaponization. This course asks how information weaponization impacts the evaluation of valid lines of evidence and explanations. How do we evaluate and what is needed to improve individuals’ evaluations of claims in the post-truth era? Combatting mythological and unproductive thinking in the face of current change requires increased digital literacy. We will learn enhanced reasoning, evaluation skills, and critical thinking.
Restricted to UH students matriculating in Fall 2020 or later.
This course is part of the “Deliberation” cluster. Deliberation courses be offered through Spring 2022.