2226 E Benjamin

Angela Stoltz

Affiliate Fellow, Heritage, Conserving Biodiversity
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching, Learning, Policy & Leadership


Dr. Angela Stoltz (she/her) is Associate Clinical Faculty in the College of Education’s Teaching, Learning, Policy, and Leadership Department where she serves as the Middle Grades Mathematics and Science Professional Development School (PDS) Coordinator. As PDS coordinator, Dr. Stoltz supports Middle Grades Math and Science undergraduate and graduate level teacher candidates, their university supervisors, and their school district mentor teachers who are employees in our partnership schools located across Montgomery, Prince George’s, Howard, and Anne Arundel counties.

Dr. Stoltz founded the Maryland KidWind Initiative which is a regional affiliate of’s international open access renewable energy curriculum and design-build challenges for K12 students.  Dr. Stoltz teaches a variety of educational courses, including: Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Education: Mathematics; Interdisciplinary Teaching in the Middle Grades; Problem-Solving and Innovative Thinking in the Mathematics Classrooms; Assessing Mathematical Understanding. Dr. Stoltz is also a co-teacher of the Honor’s College Course, HNUH268W, Where the Waters Blend: Contemporary Indigenous perspectives on History, traditions, and modern issues.

She has served as PI and co-PI on a variety of grant-funded projects focused on culturally inclusive and sustainability-focused curricula in STEM education, including the Maryland Energy Administration grant funded project, The Maryland KidWind Initiative: Supporting K12 student interest in wind energy through K12 and teacher education curricular advancements and design-build competitions (2024) and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) grant funded project, Thirteen Moons: Indigenous Knowledge and Culturally Responsive Pedagogies for Conservation, Sustainability, and Stewardship.


  • PhD, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Maryland
  • MEd, Elementary Education, Wilmington University